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20 pounds Younger

Michele Promaulayko, editor-in-chief of Yahoo Health, urges readers to abide by her 'rules of eating' — from drinking lemon water each morning to mini meditations before meals — to take weight and years off their bodies.'

Book grade: A 'This book was my health bible...It helped me eliminate all junk food, and motivated me to cut back on sugar after showing me how it can age the skin . . . I recommend it to everyone!'" -NY POST


Look better naked

This stunning 192-page book serves up hundreds of insider tips and tricks on everything from scoring a flawless luminous complexion to creating sex-kitten hairstyles to working the latest make-up trends. Packed with beautiful images, the how-to instruction is presented in a fun, fresh, and visually-engaging way.

And since Cosmo editors are experts in what men find alluring, there are plenty of pointers on that topic too, including: the secrets to silky, touchable hair, come-hither eyes, and kissable lips. Plus the scents that’ll drive him wild (in a good way!).

Also in here: Decadent at-home spa ideas that advise women how to pamper themselves like a pro (no appointment necessary). Of course every beauty junkie is bound to make a misstep now and then, so Cosmo includes crucial tips for overcoming common beauty blunders.


Cosmo’s guide to red-hot sex

A gorgeously designed, 240-page book that tells young women everything they need to know to understand their own sexuality and have a truly fulfilling sexual relationships.

Elegant (and tasteful), with an eye-catching cover, lush and sensual color photos, and accessible, instructional graphics, Cosmo’s Guide to Red-Hot Sex looks as if it’s meant for the coffee table. But it’s better suited for the nightstand, since readers will want to keep all of the detailed information compiled here within fast, easy reach.


Sugar Free 3

Sugar Free 3 is a revolutionary new plan based on the latest research and science. It's not a diet. It's not a detox. It's not a cleanse. It’s a groundbreaking three-week program to reset your entire approach to food and eating for improved wellness, more energy, sounder sleep, better-looking skin, and healthy weight losswithout counting calories!

You'll discover why sugar makes you fat (and sick), where it's lurking, and how to live happier and healthier without it.

As the former editor-in-chief of Women's Health and Cosmopolitan, Michele Promaulayko has spent the last decade at the forefront of the newest research about how sugar and artificial sweeteners affect your mind and body. What she discovered was that added sweeteners are at the center of every major and minor health crisis, from the ones you'd guess—like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes—to the ones that might surprise you, like acne, bad moods, digestion, and sleep loss.